About VIBE!AT |
The Austrian Association for Internet Users (VIBE!AT - Verein für Internet-Benutzer Österreichs) represents the political interests of netizens. VIBE!AT is member of the worldwide umbrella organization Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC), founding member of European Digital Rights (EDRi) and participant of the Austrian Internet Advisory Council. A founding member has a seat in the Austrian Domain Advisory Council to represent the position of users. VIBE!AT is co-organizer of the annual Big Brother Awards Austria.
Mission statement: Freedom without harassments |
It is the objective of VIBE!AT to encourage a mature, responsible and self-determined use of the Internet. We also want to create public awareness for attempts made by state to limit these freedoms excessively (cryptography debate; censorship and eavesdropping, respectively, without court order). We do not see the Internet as a world without law: notwithstanding practical difficulties legal determinations are fully applicable. This is true for fundamental rights and freedoms (privacy of letters, freedom of speech, freedom of the press etc.) as well as for penal provisions.
Some of our activities |
- 9 questions about politics for an information society
- International conference "Liberties lost!"
- Big Brother Awards Austria 2002
- VIBE!AT takes over management of priv.at
- No Arbitrary Military Access to User Data!
- VIBE!AT co-founds EDRi
- RIS gone?
- Opposition to Data Retention
- A careful 'Yes' to the Cybercrime Convention
- Save private copying!
- Domain conflicts: an optimal judgement system?
- NGO letter to the European Union concerning privacy
- Big Brother Awards Austria 2001
- The right to get unsolicited e-mail advertisements
- PGP Key signing party
- Linux Security Basics, Part 1
- Statement on the Austrian E-Commerce act ("ECG")
- Austrian Surveillance Ordinance draft ("UeVO")
- More...
Questions/Comments to: info@vibe.at
last update: Thursday, 30-Mar-2006 00:00:33 CEST